I just can’t deal with all of the success

Musical Revelations Of The Week:
M.I.A. – ‘Kala‘ – See yesterday’s post for the rapturous response to this record. I still can’t quite think how to describe this sufficiently. That said, it’s an enormous mish-mash of music and noise and it’ll hold your attention right through the eventual whirring of the CD player grinding to a halt.
Richard Hawley‘Lady’s Bridge’ – There are those who would have you believe that this record is Hawley treading water. Such nonsense. To me it seems the logical follow on from ‘Coles Corner’, and by that I don’t mean he’s simply remade his previous album, I mean that he has continued the lush orchestrations, developed the styles and honed his voice to its finest sound to date. Treat yourself to this one; you’ll not be disappointed with it.
Wilco – Sky Blue Sky’ – So, it turns out it was the album of the summer after all. Finally got a chance to test it during some lovely weather on Wednesday.
*MROTW is somewhat concise this week due to it being a bank holiday and us having guests. Sorry about that. Likewise for the NMROTW, although I suspect I’d have gone with this whatever the situation.
Non-musical Revelations Of The Week:
Gareth Jenkins is a clown – No further explanation required.
The Welsh rugby team has not bulked up like virtually every other team in advance of the World Cup – We get bullied. A lot. If we can’t be a constant force, we can’t win.
Realising that all the effort I went to track down my World Cup tickets was probably a waste of time – *cries a little bit – in a manly way, like*